TU-8200R Power Tubes

TU-8200R Power Tubes

Elekit TU-8200R's versatility is well demonstrated by its ability to support a range of pentode and triode tubes made possible by its automatic self biasing ability.

Secret Chord Analogue offers two favourite tube choices, the versatile 6L6 and the distinctive KT88. Each choice set features matched power tubes which is to say that each tube in the pair will draw the same plate current.

Tubes are manufactured to be within certain tolerance ranges according to a specification but like all electrical devices there are variances from tube to tube and section to section.

Power tubes are paired up based on their current draw, or "plate current". Measuring plate current draw under operating conditions is generally considered to be the most accurate method for rating a power tube, and is the method employed with the Preferred Series.

Regular price $178.00
Regular price Sale price $178.00
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